PUBLIC NOTICE: Notice of Certification
This statement is to notify the public that the Fielding Town Council has received certification of the annexation petition submitted by Dennis Holland. The petition was accepted by the Town Council on the 3rdof November, 2022, at the regular Town Council meeting. It has been certified by the Fielding Town Recorder based on these criteria:
1. It has been filed with the town recorder of Fielding Town (the annexing municipality).
2. The petition contains the signature of Dennis Holland who is the owner of the real property.
3. The petition contains an accurate and recordable map, prepared by a licensed surveyor, of the area proposed for annexation.
4. The Petition designates a sponsor, and indicates the mailing address of said person.
5. Petition does not contain any piece of land that has been proposed for annexation under previously filed petitions that have been denied, rejected, or granted.
Dottie Garn
Town Clerk