Members Present Kirk Coombs, Councilmember Chuck Earl, Mayor Dottie Garn, Recorder Shauna Larson, Treasurer Shane Marsh, Councilmember
Matt Petersen, Councilmember
Tiffinee Pierson, Councilmember
Fielding Town Corporation Town Council Meeting March 4, 2021
Opening Ceremony and introduction of guests Mayor Earl called the March 4, 2021, Town Council Meeting held in the Fielding Town Hall, 150 South 100 West, Fielding, Utah, to order at 7:00 p.m.
Approval of Agenda Shane Marsh made a motion to approve the agenda. Tiffinee Pierson seconded the motion. Kirk Coombs – aye, Chuck Earl – aye, Shane Marsh – aye, Matt Petersen – aye, Tiffinee Pierson – aye. Motion approved.
Approval of Minutes – January 7, 2021 Tiffinee Pierson made a motion to approve the minutes. Shane Marsh seconded the motion. Kirk Coombs – aye, Chuck Earl – aye, Shane Marsh – aye, Matt Petersen – aye, Tiffinee Pierson – aye. Motion approved.
Fire Marshal – BEC – this item was tabled
Department Reports
Animal Control Todd said there have been a few calls with dogs running loose but issues were resolved. items were discussed.
Building & Maintenance
No other major
Joel gave the income to Shauna and bills to Dottie. The building rentals have been a little slow but starting to pick up. No other major items were discussed.
c. Grounds & Maintenance
Skyler was not in attendance and no major items were discussed.
Fire Department Todd gave the bills to Dottie and the income to Shauna. There was a complaint about someone burning garbage, which has been taken care of now. The department is going to buy some equipment for the ambulance from Ogden Fire Department. They are also preparing to apply for a few grants.
Sheriff Department No one was present representing the sheriff’s department.
Common Consent
Approval of monthly expenditures as indicated on the check register
Approval of claims
Approval of financial statement
Matt Petersen made a motion to approve the common consent items. Tiffinee Pierson seconded the motion. Kirk Coombs – aye, Chuck Earl – aye, Shane Marsh – aye, Matt Petersen – aye, Tiffinee Pierson – aye. Motion approved.
Treasurer Shauna had nothing to report.
Clerk – clean up day Dottie reminded everyone about clean up day and will get the town letter out in the next couple weeks for the upcoming town events. The Egg Hunt is on the 3rd at 9:00, Fun Day is July 10.
Council Reports The council discussed the stop sign at the three-way stop on 100 North. They also discussed garbage pickup and if it can be required? Tiffinee said Cindy Parry gave her some Taco Time gift cards, they will be given out at the egg hunt as prizes. Other items discussed were tree trimming, water draining and needing new chairs for the hall. Dottie will order those.
Public Comments A citizen asked about the street sign at 140 W 100 N; Shane will take care of that. Also, asked why there is a stop sign at that three-way and it was to slow the school buses down.
Adjournment Matt Petersen made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 p.m. Kirk Coombs seconded the motion. Kirk Coombs – aye, Chuck Earl – aye, Shane Marsh – aye, Matt Petersen – aye, Tiffinee Pierson – aye. Motion approved.
The undersigned duly acting and appointed Clerk for Fielding Town Corporation hereby certifies that the above foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on the above referenced date. Dated this 8th day of April, 2021. ___Dottie Garn ____________________ Dottie Garn, TOWN CLERK